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Assange To Serve 62 Month Sentence Bringing Closure To Legal Battle

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Deal with US

Assange to Serve 62-Month Sentence, Bringing Closure to Legal Battle

Plea Agreement Concludes International Saga Over WikiLeaks' Activities

Washington, D.C. - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing classified information, under a deal reached with the U.S. Justice Department.

As part of the plea agreement, Assange will receive a sentence of 62 months in prison, which will be considered time served. The sentencing hearing is scheduled for 9am on Saipan, an island in the Pacific.

The plea deal brings an end to a years-long legal battle between Assange and the U.S. government, which has accused him of conspiring to hack into U.S. government computers and releasing sensitive information to the public.
