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Oj Simpson Kardashian Meme

Caitlyn Jenner Slams OJ Simpson After His Death

Former Close Friend Expresses Harsh Words


Caitlyn Jenner had some harsh words for OJ Simpson following his death on Thursday at the age of 76. Simpson and Jenner were close friends from their days at USC, and Simpson was the best man at Jenner and Kris Jenner's wedding.

In a statement released after Simpson's death, Jenner said, "I am saddened by the news of OJ's passing. We were close friends for many years, and I have fond memories of our time together. However, I cannot condone his actions, and I believe that he deserved to be held accountable for his crimes."

Jenner's comments are the latest in a long line of reactions to Simpson's death. Simpson was found guilty of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in 1995, but he was later acquitted in a criminal trial. He was later found liable for their deaths in a civil trial.

Simpson's death has reignited the debate over his guilt or innocence. Some people believe that he was guilty of the murders, while others believe that he was innocent. Jenner's comments add to the complexity of the discussion.

It is important to note that Jenner's comments are just one perspective on Simpson's death. There are many other people who have expressed their own opinions on the matter. It is up to each individual to decide what they believe.
